Strengthen Your Core, Reclaim Your Health
Gut & Pelvic Health Reset
6 online nutrition modules
(value of $450)
6 videos on pelvic floor education & exercise routines
(value of $270)
4 x 7-day meal plans (Low glycemic, High protein, Intermittent fasting)
(value of $300)
Grocery List, Food Guide & Recipes
(value of $130)
Access to a private
Facebook Group for support
(value of $200)
Bonus: Resources
(value of $200)
3 months FULL Access to the
LOVJOY Pilates & Wellness app
(Value of $180)
Total Value: $1,730 CAD
Original Price: $599 CAD
Valentine Day (30% Off )
Today Only $299,50 CAD
Offer Ends February 14
Enter your bullet points here..
6 online nutrition modules
(value of $450)
6 videos on pelvic floor education
& exercise routines
(value of $270)
2 private nutrition consultations
(value of $270)
Access to online food journal (with 3-month review by nutritionist)
(value of $150)
2 private Pilates with lifetime
personalized workout plans
(value of $180)
4 x 7-day meal plans (Low glycemic, High protein, Intermittent fasting)
(value of $300)
Grocery List, Food Guide & Recipes
(value of $130)
Access to a private
Facebook Group for support
(value of $200)
Bonus: Resources
(value of $200)
3 months FULL Access to the
LOVJOY Pilates & Wellness app
(value of $180)
Receipts for Up to
$445 of insurance claims (Canada only)
Total Value: $2,330 CAD
Original Price: $1799 CAD
Valentine Day (30% Off )
Today Only: 899,50 CAD
Offer Ends February 14
Enter your bullet points here..
All prices in CAD